A New Deal for the North Sea
Planning the UK's energy transition for the public good

For all the talk of a ‘just transition’, the UK currently lacks a coherent plan for making sure that the workers and communities currently dependent on the oil and gas sector benefit from the North Sea’s transition to clean energy.
The need for a plan is now urgent. The North Sea’s shift away from oil and gas production is already well underway, as the basin’s reserves decline. The number of jobs supported by the industry has more than halved in the past decade. But despite massive growth in wind power in the UK, the opportunities from clean energy have not been realised where they are most needed, with much of the wealth created going overseas.
Among the political and policy failures that have led us here, is the decision by the UK government to hand much of the responsibility for the North Sea’s transition to the oil and gas industry, which is seeing them prioritise their needs over those of workers and communities.
This report by Uplift looks at the failings of the current industry-led North Sea Transition Deal, and proposes a framework for creating a coherent and effective plan for transitioning the oil and gas sector – a New Deal for the North Sea – to ensure that the UK’s shift to clean energy benefits all.
Download full report here